Expanding Educational Opportunities

Help us reach our Goal of $75,000!

SCW has completed over 100 new schools and additions to schools in Honduras. In 2021, we plan to expand educational opportunities in rural areas to include Grades 7-9. This will be the first time many of the children in these rural communities will have the opportunity to go to school beyond the 6th grade (12 years old)! We also plan to build a new pilot school project in rural Haiti which we hope will be the prototype for many future schools in remote areas. Your support provides the "glue" we need to help make projects with Rotary Clubs, foreign business partners, educational systems, and faith-based groups possible!

SCW-USA operates with one part-time staff member in the USA. All other SCW-USA staff are volunteers. We guarantee your funds will be used wisely and to their maximum benefit.

Thank you for your support!

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